Friday, 26 March 2021

Ogden Res to Mixenden

Started off with rain and blustery blusterness but got more Spring like after a while. This lead to more better birding throughout the walk.

Ogden Res: 2 duetting Chiffchaff, 3 Jay together having trouble with 3 Magpie. Chaffinch & Gt Tit were the predominant singers. 5 Siskin high up in the conifers also 1 Green Woodpecker, 4 Blackbird & a couple Robins seen.

There were no Gulls to start with but 1 Common, 2 Herring & 4 LBBG flew in and hung around for some 20 minutes.

c22 Curlew feeding in earnest at Stod Fold with a pr RLP up the hill.
Nearer to Mixenden a mixed flock of thrushes were in one tree. 2 Mistle for sure & around 15 Redwing & 9 Fieldfare. 1 Green Woodpecker laffing.

The reservoir had a good count of 5 maybe 6 Grey Wagtail that were very active. About 9 large sub adult phase gulls left within a couple of minutes of clocking me. Nothing else on the water.